Mounty #TLV


The magic of Mounty #TLV **

Always the perfect mount in any given situation!

The add on can be found here:


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You are in a flight zone, swimming in the water or joined by a friend, who can't fly jet?
You want to ride on, but your armor is low and you should repair asap?
You want to show off with these awesome mounts, which nobody else has got (except, everybody got it;)?
You got some favourite mounts for all these occasions and just want to be surprised, which mount will summon next?

All this can be done with Mounty #TLV and all this will happen magically with just 1 single key pressed.


  1. Install Mounty #TLV.
  2. Open WoW's mount journal, Mounty #TLV should also open automatically.
  3. Pull your favourite mounts from the mount journal into the categories of Mounty #TLV.
  4. Open WoW's settings for key bindings, select Mounty #TLV and configure your magic key to mount. (i.e. mine is #)
  5. Press your magic key to pick up the perfect mount for here and now.
  6. Enjoy Mounty #TLV and take a look and all the other options and possibilities.


Mounty #TLV is big fun. But also became a lot of work. So I'm happy abount any donation, which makes the fun even bigger and the work a little lighter. ;)


Thank you so much!


So, always the perfect mount in any given situation!

If you are lucky and got a few mounts in your collection, then it's quite simple to name the right mount to summon in every situation. Depending on the actual circumstances you are in.

Mounty #TLV offers 7 categories for your mounts:

  • Ground mounts - Mounts, which are big fun to ride, always with their feet on the ground.
  • Flying mounts - These can spread their wings or ignite their rockets to reach for the sky, with you on their back.
  • Dragonflight - Two wings, spitting fire, dead eyes and faster than the devil. Ride the dragons!
  • Water mounts - There are/were mounts which could walk on the water. At least there are few which are faster swimmers than others, so you don't have to hold your breath too long.
  • Repair mounts - You got one of these, haven't you? Or do you still have to run miles to the next anvil, to get bat to 100% durability?
  • Taxi mounts - A passenger's seat for a good friend is perfect for questing, farming, and fighting together hand in hand. Especially when your taxi has wings, and your friend doesn't know how to fly. He'll never forget your helping wing erm hand.
  • Show off mounts - You spent hours, days, weeks to get this special one, the mount of your dreams. There will never be a better one. Until tomorrow. But for now, everybody around must see: You got it!

You can assign up to 110 different favourite mounts to every category per drag & drop from your mount collection.

And you can assign this one and only magic key, which does its magic when pressed.

3 more, just for you

Since v2.5.2 you can use 3 additional custom categories. Those don't play any part in the magic of Mounty #TLV, but you can summon them via key bindings. Your very special mounts for these very special moments.

The magic that happens

There is a well defined logic behind the magic of Mounty #TLV and you can even customize it with some options (see Options below).

Here we go!

In the end its quite simple. When the magic key is pressed, it goes like this:

Are you already on a mount?

Then dismount and get down unless you're flying high and might fall at Hogger's feet. Then do nothing.

But beware: If parachute mode ist enabled, Mounty #TLV will dismount you at any height and it's up to you to make a proper touch down.

You have not mounted yet?

Then let's do the real magic and get you the mount you crave for.

You just killed thousands of enemies and your durability is lower than the threshold via options? Summon your repair mount and be reborn.

You're soaking wet, swimming and surrounded by endless water? If amphibian mode is active, your water mount will appear every second summoning!

You hang around with friends and your taxi mode is on? My friend, we call for a taxi mount to ride away together. Hop on!

You are in a resting area and show off mode is activated? Time to impress everyone around with one of your favourite show off mounts.

You're in a flight zone, all alone? Spread your wings, wake the dragon or start your engines and up, up, up it goes with your favourite Dragonflight mount or fly mount.

You're in a flight zone with friends but didn't activate together mode? Jump on your fly mount or Dragonflight mount and race the skies with your friends.

It is sad that you can't fly, and it gets worse, cause you're floating in cold water, but at least now you will summon your water mount to get back to the beach asap.

None of the above did come true: Now it's time to get back to where it all started by climbing on the back of these good old ground mounts and take your ride to all five horizons.

Magic done. By Mounty #TLV.

The full magic in less words

Magic key is pressed, so now ...

You are on a mount ...
... and not flying -> Dismount
... and flying, with parachute enabled -> Dismount
... and flying -> Do nothing

You have not mounted ...
Your durability is lower than xx% (see options) -> Repair mount
You are swimming, Amphibia mode is on -> (every second time) Water mount
You are a party member, taxi mode is on -> Taxi mount
You are in a resting area, show off mode is active -> Show off mount
You are in a flight zone, all alone -> Dragon or Fly mount
You are in a flight zone with friends and together mode is off -> Dragon or Fly mount
You are swimming -> Water mount
else -> Ground mount

But there is still more than that

Mounty #TLV will choose the perfect category as described above. But there might be empty categories you didn't or couldn't assign any mount to.

In this case there is a fallback:

If a category is empty, it will then select one of your flying mounts. And if there are none, too, it will select one of your ground mounts. And if those are also missing, then there is only one last thing Mounty #TLV can do for you: Randomly summon any mount out of your whole collection, preferring your favourites if there are any.


  • Exception 1: Dragonflight mounts will be used instead of flying mounts if Dragonflight mode is activated in options.
  • Exception 2: As long as you haven't given to fly yet, ground mounts will always be prefered before dragons and fly mounts.
  • Exception 3: In flyable resting areas only flyable show off mounts will be chosen.
  • Exception 4: In flyable areas only flyable taxi mounts will be chosen.

And why was a certain mount chosen?

The magic is kind of complex but it is transparent too.

Mounty #TLV will keep a history of it's last 10 summonings and you can take it look at it anytime.

Type /mounty why to see the newest (= last) entry.Type /mounty why 2-10 to see an older entry.Type /mounty why all to see all entries.

You can also switch on Why mode to show the explanation automatically in the chat window after each summoning. (See: Options)

How to configure and use

Type /mounty in the chat and the options frame will open.

Mounty #TLV's option frame will also open automatically with the mount journal if option is not deactivated.

And Mounty #TLV's option frame can be opened by clicking a button in the mount journal's bottom right corner.

Drag & drop all your favourite mounts into the categories of your choice. Click right on a mount to remove it from a category.

You may copy an already assigned mount to another category by double clicking.

Using the plus button you can open another frame to assign additional 100 mounts to a category. Here you can also easily transfer all filtered mounts from the mount journal into a category with 1 click, erm 2 clicks.

WARNING: Mounty #TLV does never check if your assignments per category make any sense! You can assign any mount to every category. So: Please be reasonable!

And Mounty #TLV will only summon mounts of a chosen category that can be used at that moment - regarding faction, class, or else.


Per profile

  • Why mode - Every time after magically summoning a mount Mounty #TLV will tell you exactly, why the resulting mount has been chosen.
  • Random mode - If on, Mounty #TLV will randomly summon a mount of the selected category. If off then it will cycle through one by one.
  • Show off mode - In resting areas everybody should see one of your show off mounts. Because everybody must know, that you went fishing in Zereth Mortis for hundreds of hours, just to get this one and only jelly fish.
  • Amphibian mode - Whilst swimming, alternate between water and flying mounts, because you might want to dive or you might want to fly away. Who knows?
  • Together mode - Whilst you are in a party: Even if you are in a flight zone and have learned to fly, you won't take off but stay on the ground. Looking for any reason? If you're questing or farming with a friend who can't fly yet, then it's quite fair to stay with him and keep eye level. Except ...
  • Taxi mode - You want to help a friend and give him some rides whilst questing and farming together, then turn this on. When in a party and you summon your mount, your taxi mount will arrive. Where do we go?
  • How to call ... - Say it! When your taxi arrives this short line of text will be chatted, so your friend will hop on and not let you wait. (Only if in group)
  • Service! - When your durability is lower than this and you look like Hogger's prey, give a big hand for your repair mount to appear.

Account wide

Via checkboxes you can decide between the following:

  • Parachute mode - Always dismount anyway, no matter how high you fly and deep the fall. If disabled Mounty #TLV will keep you safe on your mount whilst flying.
  • Auto open mode - The option frame will open and close automatically with the mount journal.
  • Debug mode - Magic in numbers and letters. See for yourself what Mounty #TLV let's you know via chat messages.


You can use different profiles like in many other addons.

Also you can switch between account wide profiles or individual profiles for each character. And you can even copy profiles from global to individual and vice versa. Safety first: profiles will never be deleted nor overwritten but renamed if already existent.

Also there is a new button in the mount journal to open Mounty #TLV. This can be positioned or be hidden by a slider.

Command line

Type in chat or use in macros:


/mounty version - to show the current version of the addon


/mounty magic - to let Mounty #TLV's magic happen

/mounty dragonflight - to summon a Dragonflight mount
/mounty fly - to summon fly mount
/mounty ground - to summon ground mount
/mounty surprise - to summon a random mount out of whole journal
/mounty repair - to summon repair mount
/mounty showoff - to summon show off mount
/mounty taxi - to summon taxi mount
/mounty water - to summon water mount

Tell me why!

/mounty why - to show the current entry
/mounty why 2-10 - to show an older entry
/mounty why all - to show all entries


/mounty profile - to show the current used profile
/mounty profile Heart - to switch to or create the profile Heart


/mounty - to open the options frame

Switch options

/mounty set amphibian on|off (Alternate between swimming and flying)
/mounty set auto on|off (Auto open options frame)
/mounty set debug on|off (Show debug info)
/mounty set dragonflight on|off (Summon dragons to fly)
/mounty set parachute on|off (Dismount at any height)
/mounty set random on|off (Random or cycle throught)
/mounty set showoff on|off (Show off, show off!)
/mounty set taxi on|off (Use taxi mounts)
/mounty set together on|off (Let's stay together)
/mounty set why on|off (Output 'Why?' every time automatically)
_/mounty set whyshort on|off (Set the output format to short or long)

Binding keys

Use system key bindings to assign your magic key.

Besides the magic key you can also bind some special keys to summon a mount of a category of your choice. No magic then, but pure free will.

For example, my config is like this:

  • # -> Magic key
  • CTRL-# -> Repair mount
  • SHIFT-# -> Taxi mount
  • ALT-# -> Water mount
  • CTRL-ALT-# -> Ground mount
  • CTRL-Space -> Show off mount

Thank you!

Comments, feedback, and questions are welcome!

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