

AtlasLootClassic Cata


AtlasLootClassic Cata is a forked and revised version of the AtlasLootClassic updated for Cataclysm Classic. It allows for various loot tables to be browsed in-game.

If you appreciate the work and want to help support my broke ass while I keep working on this, please feel free to buy me a coffee @


  • Raids and Dungeons module showing all Dungeon/Raid drops
  • Crafting module showing all craftable items
  • Factions module showing all Faction item rewards
  • Collections module showing item sets, world drops, mounts, and etc.
  • PvP module showing all PvP items (only S9 for Cata Right now)
  • Tooltip integration showing where items come from or currency cost
  • Favorites list (Credits to @Lag, mostly instact as it was :smiley:)
  • Localizations should be mostly intact, new bosses might need translations. Contribute on Curseforge if you'd like


  • /al options or Shift + Left Click minimap button for options
  • Alt/Option + Left Click to add an item to Favorites


Please report any bugs on Github, I will keep adding missing features. Special thanks to everyone who has helped out adding missing items, sets, and etc!


  • Lag/Hoizame (on Github) - Original author of AtlasLootClassic
  • @scareclaw-kashtira on Github for many contributions updating modules
  • @gitenarra on Github for many contributions updating modules
  • @MCJOHNS117 on Github for initial tier set updates
  • @iZcr3am on Github for help with translations and updating modules
  • @Firsthunterz on Github for many contributions updating data

AND OTHERS I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN (Whoever made the OG AtlasLoot!)

<3 ty for all for keeping the community and this great addon alive.


This mod is distributed under Version 2 of the GPL. A copy of the GPL is included in this zip file with links to non-english translations.

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